Category: Random Thoughts
Things are changing around here
Stay Tuned for an awesome story about my last week. But, most importantly I will be announcing a change in posting schedules for my blog… but do enjoy my painful story ahead 😊 MANNNN what a stressful week it has been. Between work and everything, I have just flat out not been able to write…
Is it okay to feel burnt out?
Issues Feeling burnt out or feeling down and not interested in things, to me, is normal. As I sit here and try to try a technical blog this morning, I just don’t want to. I don’t feel up to par today. What does that mean? Does it mean that I suck? Probably not. But, man…
Life can be unpredictable
What a day. As new regulations in cybersecurity and new beginnings begin in life, we are often met at a crossroads where, time, there’s not enough of it. I usually write my blogs in the morning and I thought over the weekend, “I should write some blogs now because I am not sure I will…
Here’s to New Beginnings
2025, we are welcoming new beginnings with the new year. With new beginnings there are often new endings, putting away ideas and functions that we will no longer carry. Fortunately, this is a new beginning for myself and possibly my career. Writing down ideas, putting them into the universe, and knowing that you could experience…