Feeling burnt out or feeling down and not interested in things, to me, is normal. As I sit here and try to try a technical blog this morning, I just don’t want to. I don’t feel up to par today. What does that mean? Does it mean that I suck? Probably not. But, man I just have a feeling of just not wanting to do anything today. Life is catching up to my family this year. Personal life seeps into everything because that’s true life. It will throw you for a loop and all you can do is feel it.
Today I am feeling it. Between dieting and trying to lose some weight this year, to just personal family stuff, I am feeling it. It isn’t an excuse but it is something that is happening. I still want to blog today, but my brain just doesn’t want to do technical stuff. A lot of work things going on I feel like my brain needs a day.
That’s okay.
I am listening to my body and my mind to pick the best outcome that will still move me 1% forward but maybe not in the way that I was thinking. If I can’t keep my mental health well, then I can’t do anything.
So, that’s what this blog is going to be about today. Me keeping it 100% real. I don’t want to be doing this but I am going to write SOMETHING. So lets write about what I want to accomplish this week and hope that my body and mind can keep up with it.
Get through today. It was a rough workout this morning, my joints are hurting and weights weren’t moving like they usually do. I still put in the effort, but mannnnnn it was rough. Looking at my day today I am in back to back to back meetings all day, a lot of moving pieces at work today for various projects. I’m not overwhelmed, yet, but it does give me a little bit of the ick looking at the schedule. So today’s motto is just to get through it.
Tuesday we are going to try and get back after it. Try and get a good a night sleep which will propel me through my workout. It is an upper day at the gym so I am hoping that gives me a little UMPF through the day. Who doesn’t like upper body day at the gym? The schedule for tomorrow is less daunting so I am already feeling good about the work I can accomplish during the day for some of these projects instead of just talking about them. Information has to get to the correct people but man, talking about it and not doing it bothers me. I just want to get stuff done and go about my business. I haven’t figured out a blog topic for tomorrow yet, going to go for something technical again. Maybe a deeper dive into network types or something basic networking. I want to write a few more basic networking blogs before moving on to basic security blogs.
Wednesdays are usually pretty chill days. Starting off with some light cardio in the morning. Makes the joints feel better by not pushing heavy weights all of the time. Do some stairs and some jogging. Maybe add a little bit of abs since I am getting rid of that stubborn belly fat 😊. Probably work with a couple of vendors to get some bugs worked out during the work day and keep chipping away at the major projects that are due soon. Again, not sure about the blog I want to write, probably keep it simple. But, I do want to start getting a schedule hammered out officially. I had a schedule that I wanted to do at the start of the year and it quickly changed as I started working on the technical blogs because I wanted to get additional information out there for everything I was talking about.
Thursdays are video days. Less stress having not to worry about what am I going to write about today… Starting the day off with another lower body workout… My knees have been hurting lately so not looking forward to it, but it is a lighter volume day. So it does give my joints and muscles a bit of a break. But it is legs, and legs have not been fun lately. A bunch of troubleshooting meetings scheduled for Thursday which is fine. Finding and fixing issues is what we like to do. Need to figure out what kind of thumbnail I need to create for this new video. Thumbnails have been something I have been sort of dreading but also they are fun when they are unserious stupid things like my last week’s video:

Like this was fun and funny to make. Like what is this? Well its me receiving a bunch of files from somewhere else…. The video was about file transfers. Fun.
OH Friday… This Friday I have off. THANKFULLY! Give me a little reset. Wake up early and get a good ol upper body day in and then work on myself all day. I may come home and take a nap :P. The goal for Friday is to hit the SAMS club for some items and then work on video stuff. Might do a quick video on some of the docker things I have been running in UNRAID. As well as a simple video about the last month of using UNRAID and put together a list of things I love about it. And maybe some thigs I don’t like. Which is pretty few at this point. Also its boys gaming night. Every Friday the boys and I play a little video games and chat and laugh. It’s a good way to just end the week.
Saturday, I am not sure what the goal is going to be. I want to put a schedule today for the upcoming videos. I want to start doing some more educational type videos where I am teaching. I want to go over the decimal to binary and then decimal to hexadecimal systems. I want to talk about subnetting and doing the maths and how you can better set yourself up for exams. I want to talk about exams and how those go and if you need them. I just need to set up a schedule and start doing it. I think Fridays or Saturdays are going to be the video days. Where I can sit down and shoot the videos and then work on editing during the week. I am not sure… that’s why I need a schedule!
Sundays are usually chill days. Do a little workout in the morning and putts around a bit. Work on some home labbing. Do some work around the house. Clean a bit. But I usually aim to be a little less active on Sundays. I do need SOME rest. Also, it’s good for the family to just sit around and enjoy all day quality time with each other. I need to start reading some stuff too… Been slacking on that…
What now?
See today I am just not feeling it. But I did something. Something is better than nothing and I could have easily given myself an out. But, I figured everything has a chance to be used for a learning moment and maybe a teaching moment. By not focusing on the negative in what today is. I was able to sit and get the thoughts out and set up the rest of my week up for success. I think its important to at least try and do some self-reflection. It is a bad moment not a bad day or life. Just sucks right now. But we push through and become better for it. That is what life is about. I cannot be superman, no matter how hard I try. I have to set myself up for success and for love of myself. Today might suck but tomorrow might be better.
Thanks for listening to me ramble on about what my week is going to look like. I know it wasn’t a fun technical topic. But it was a topic nonetheless. I have a few of these days a month it seems like. I blame the weather. WHERE IS MY SUN!? Oh it is out, but its -100000 degrees outside… how am I supposed to enjoy that? Only downside to living in the north, those winter blues are real.
Stay Curious. Stay strong. See ya tomorrow!
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